Netflix has recently transformed the beloved Japanese manga, “One Piece,” into a hit live-action series after its 26-year-long serialization. This adaptation has rekindled the childhood passion of loyal fans while captivating newcomers to the franchise. Let’s embark on a quest to discover your favorite limited-edition One Piece merchandise from Japan and ship directly to your home in the Philippines via Buyandship!
One Piece Merchandise Recommendations
1. P.O.P “Warriors Alliance” Roronoa Zoro
Based on the “Wano Country Arc” from One Piece, Japanese company MEGAHOUSE has released a series of high-quality collectible models featuring the characters from One Piece. These models are 1/8 scale PVC painted figures. “Roronoa Zoro” from the Wano Country Arc is perfectly depicted in traditional Japanese attire, wielding his swords “Wado Ichimonji” and “Sandai Kitetsu” in a fierce battle pose, capturing the essence of Zoro’s powerful presence during combat!
JP Price: PHP 5,754.47(JPY15,000)
2. Luffy Gear 5 Double-faced Pouch
Recently, the most talked-about topic in relation to One Piece is undoubtedly the live-action adaptation. However, in the animated version, the introduction of Luffy’s “Gear 5” ability has generated significant discussion. Its power is so immense that it even turns Luffy’s hair and clothes white. This Luffy dual-sided pouch captures both sides of his character. On one side, you have the adorable and cute version of Luffy, while on the other side, you have the stylish depiction of Luffy unleashing Gear 5. It’s a perfect collectible item that showcases Luffy in different forms!
JP Price: PHP 1,012.79(JPY2,640)
3. Straw Hat Pirates Fabric Flag
Made in Japan, the flag body is made of 100% cotton fabric and measures approximately 80x110cm! If you want to join the Straw Hat Pirate Crew and become a part of it, you must hang this iconic flag in your home and become the Pirate King!
JP Price: PHP 1,054.95(JPY2,750)
4. Manhattan Portage Casual Messenger Bag
Limited edition crossbody bag in collaboration with Manhattan Portage. The bag features various iconic scenes, including landscapes from the Wano Country arc and the Thousand Sunny ship, printed at the bottom. Carry your pirate spirit with you wherever you go!
JP Price: PHP 4,641.77(JPY12,100)
5. Chouchou Stuffed Plush Toy
One of the most touching scenes in the early days of One Piece is undoubtedly the moment when the loyal dog Chouchou fights against the enemy to protect his deceased owner’s treasure! Despite not being a main character, Chouchou gained immense popularity, leading the official store to release a stuffed plush toy of Chouchou. This allows fans to bring Chouchou home and cherish the memories of this beloved character.
JP Price: PHP 1,265.94(JPY3,300)
💡 Note: Product prices, quantities, etc. may change due to sales. All are subject to change. We do not own any of the pictures above nor affiliated with the brands mentioned. All credits are due to all of the brands featured in the article unless otherwise specified.