Paying for multiple international shipping fees for multiple shipments is such a hassle and super expensive! We mean, sure, some overseas retailers offer affordable international shipping fees, and some may even offer free worldwide shipping with a minimum order but sometimes you never really get to have either of these options. No matter which way, it is all costly all the same!
With Buy&Ship, this is something you no longer have to worry about. When your parcels arrive at our Hong Kong warehouse, you can choose whether to send your parcels individually or consolidate your items into one shipment! And the best part? You don’t have to pay for it, we have FREE Consolidation and Storage for 42 days.
“Why Should I Consolidate?”

One of the advantages of consolidating your parcels is being able to MAXIMIZE your shipping fees with Buy&Ship. Let’s say you have THREE shipments from South Korea, Japan, and the USA, weighing 1.2 lbs, 1.3 lbs, and 2.2 lbs, respectively. Generally, the delivery fee will be calculated based on your consolidated shipment, but do bear in mind that if it’s shipped individually, Buy&Ship will round to the next whole pound for the chargeable weight.

By consolidating, instead of paying for the weight of three individual shipments, you’ll get the added weight of all of your parcels which can guarantee less chargeable weight and more savings for you. For both DDU and DDP Pricing options, you can also consolidate your shipments and save around 33% OFF on Buy&Ship Shipping Fees!
Here’s another reason: One of our major features is having the option to send shipments separately to friends and family nationwide in the Philippines from 12 locations worldwide. There’s no limit to how many Philippines addresses you can set up so, it’s mostly useful for people who want to send gifts to their loved ones during special occasions and for small businesses or resellers. Check out the graphics below on how it works:

How to Consolidate Your Shipments

Step 1: You will receive an email from Buy&Ship once your shipment arrives at our central warehouse in Hong Kong. Follow the link in the email, or sign in to your Buy&Ship account to access the Member Center.
Step 2: Go to My Shipment and select “Ready to Consolidate” — details of your packages and their weight will be displayed there.
Step 3: Select which parcels you’d like to checkout from our Hong Kong warehouse, select the delivery address, make payment and you’re good to go! Please make sure to duplicate your address to be able to choose between Buy&Ship’s DDP and DDU!